Please consult your Avian vet before deciding on a diet plan for your feathered friend!

A parrot’s diet must consist of a complete balanced formulated diet which is specific for your species of parrot and makes up the majority of the food being fed.  You should then add some variety with fresh food items. Nuts should only be used as occasional treats - preferably in a puzzle toy to enhance enrichment for your parrot.

Budgerigars, Cockatiels and Ring-necked Parakeets are granivores (seed eaters - but fatty seeds like sunflower should be avoided).

African Grey Parrot and Blue and Gold Macaws are florivores (flower and seed eaters).

Orange winged Amazons and Scarlet Macaws are frugivores (fruit eaters).

Cockatoos are omnivores (seeds, plants and even insects).

We source our complete diets and treats from reputable companies that offer the best possible commercial diet available at the time in South Africa.

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